Sustainability is more than simply about carbon, it describes some aspect of maintaining our resources from the environment to the quality of life,
over time. It can also refer to the ability to tolerate, and overcome, degradation of natural environmental services, diminished productivity due to man’s relationship to the planet and each other.
However CO2 emissions, associated with materials, manufacture, construction, operation and of use, is an important parameter and cement and concrete industry is investing hugely in developing and enabling construction solutions that reduce whole life CO2 emissions as well as embodied CO2.
Is based on hi-tech concrete technology. The basic component are water, sand, aggregates and cement. Concrete is one of the most versatile construction materials known to man.
Compared to other building materials, it is far the most durable, with a design life of at least 80 years. In environmental terms, it is useful to think of Eterno Chrono as having three phases of life – starting with its creation, then its use in buildings, and ending with reuse due to the design flexibility afforded by concrete solutions or recycling concrete once the project has reached the end of its viable use. reached the end of its viable use.